She was just as anxious as William... for this was to be their first date(since he came home anyways)...their first sense of intimacy to console their insecurity...or thats what they thought anyways. She's hysterically excited yet confusingly baffled... She knew that she could no longer keep the truth from William. This was the night where all would be revealed.. The night where William will choose to forgive her or forget her... The night where truth rips through all lies and deceit...This was the night...
She was not the only one excited and anxious... William had his own little surprise too...Tonight was the night where he would have it all or nothing at all... The awkward emotions between them...the hesitated routines... "it was my fault" he thought.. All this time William had blamed himself for his "inadequacy" as a companion..That was always Will's strength ...and weakness. He had a self imposed responsiblity which often forced him to blame himself..Now, he saw his absence as the problem and looked to commitment as the answer... the ultimate commitment in fact - marriage... He decided to propose to her that night...that supposedly romantic night which he had planned out with such precision... it was now or never because they both knew this relationship was goin down the depths of the deepest ruins...
Both William and his beloved were about to find out the truth and the commitment...