Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Today was a great day if I may say so... never been better in fact... I watched the long anticipated V for Vendetta... Not an everbody-show... I loved it...i gotta say that... but not everyone would enjoy this movie i guess... Also, I had the time to watch three other movies... Elizabethtown, School of Rock and Ice Age... All good movies... and on top of that... I got about half of my work done... and to butter it all up... I bought a book...

History... Some forgotten, some written and some studied... Most significant events were recorded down on history books... Leaving the people of the present to learn about their fore-fathers... Some history were forgotten past, never recorded, wether because of the lack of intelligence or the reluctance to compose the abhorrent... Either way, these historians have gone down unsaid, unheard, disremembered... Most of us humans, do not exactly appreciate the abyss of this "history"... Most of us humans, go through our everyday-lives without realizing that all that is now roots way back from the makings of our forefathers... Most of us humans, live our whole life not knowing that all that is now good and free was once fought and died for in history...

History might merely be a word to most people out there... history might just be another subject for those students who are just trying to get through their education... History might be nothing more than a tale of a grumpy old man to some... No matter how this topic is looked at, history remains the foundation of this, so called, "civilization"... Keep in mind that history is the fights and disputes of our forefathers who were sacrificing their lives just for our convenience or benefits...most of those heroic men knew very well that they wouldn't be able to experience this "age of civilization" and yet, they stood and argued... they stood and fought... they stood and died... just so that we, now, could have our luxury of freedom or the human rights or even well-deserved education... Despite all these sacrifices, people(not only children) go on ranting about having to learn how our forefathers fought or how they lived and died... Despite all these sacrifices, people still do not appreciate their advantages... Despite these sacrifices, the very same advantages which were killed and died for, which was once exalted and commemorated, are now taken for granted and vaguely remembered... or even disremembered for that fact... comdemned from its throne... Forgotten by all.....

Sunday, March 26, 2006

What if...???

Today hasn't been such a bad day... considering I'm on my one week break... Nothing much do....Guess I got to start on my math project pretty soon... Besides that, I have been sitting down and watching tv as promised... Domino and Initial D... weird combinations but both movies worth the time... and by the way, I can't believe Domino is based on a true story... The days are getting unpredictable... Today's post relates to God, and those of you'll who do not exactly agree or consent, please don't take any offense...

God once said that He would return to earth... That He would once again descend upon this place we call earth... What if God were to return to earth once again in the form of an insignificant carpenter working on the streets of New York... What if God were to descend upon us in disguise of a shoe-maker amongst the people of New Jersey... What if God were to appear on the vast lands of Canada.... What if.... What will we feeble humans do? How will we react to His holy and exalted presence... Will we once again accuse Him of blasphemy? Will we once again distrust our very Master, Lord Almighty, our very King.... The creator of all mankind... Will we brush Him aside as man had once done? Will we once again deny our King, our Creator, the Alpha and Omega of all.... Will we once again deny our God of recognition and admission?? Will we once again ignore His teachings and miracles??

Or will we tremble in joy in the presence of our Lord?? Will we accept His words and teachings as we accepted life?? Will we learn to acknowledge the very omnipresence of our Father? Will we stand before Him in ore ready to be judged by Him?? Will we grasp and cherish His companionship and at the same time respect and worship His leadership? Will we finally learn from our past mistakes?? will we finally learn from History....Will we finally???

Saturday, March 25, 2006


Spring break has just begun... fortunately... No plans for this holiday though... Only plan is to sit at home and enjoy my tranquility... and for those of you'll who think that relaxation is just wasting a holiday, thats the way I like... Just rented a couple of movies too... domino and cinderella man... Should be great... will be watching it later...

Rights... This word does not merely describe the correct and incorrect... This word also explains equality and inequality... The rights of the creations of God... The human rights, animal rights, and the well-deserved rights of nature itself... Most people take these rights no more than the freedom which was fought and died for... Rights... This term has been fought for... verbally and physically... Lives have been sacrificed willingly and relentlessly for these rights... Some go down in history and sadly, some don't... Taking advantage of these rights are just blatant and dishonorable... Rights are meant to be respected as it has once been exalted... These rights were once esteemed as life was once cherished...

Rights are not an advantage waiting to be used against another... Rights are not "man-made".. Rights are the very caliber of a community... It supports our frail society of the foul and malevolent... Rights decide between the appropriate and the unjust... It draws the line between the admissible and the unsuitable... The lawful and the unfair... Rights are the conscientious and ethical inheritant of any born child of any race, religion or colour... Rights are adapted... Rights are earned... Rights are deserved....

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Judgment Day

One more day passes by like any other... only thing is today I missed my first class... First and only time i hope, my bus actually did not come... I mean the bus did not stop at the bus stop... We, 15 patient student, waited for the bus for at least 30 minutes... and so we went home and some stayed at home and the rest of us took the public bus which only got us to the school 5 minutes before the next period... haihz....what a way to start the morning... Anyways, off to start a new post and i'll try to do this fast and nice... (because I am kinda sleepy)

The only fate we humans have ultimately is death... and as death swallows your very soul... and sooner or later it will... and as death come upon us... the only thing that drowns the minds of these victims is the judgment day... The day that we are ultimately judged by God, the only One worthy of anticipation... The day that we meet our doom on earth and live on in a higher place (or a place of adversary)... The day that life on earth is no more... The day that our actions on earth are appraised by God Himself... and the pre-eminent question is... what will you do? How will you respond when you're judged? How will you answer to the utmost judgment?

Will you face God as a miraculous creation of His or as a freak accident of a parent?? Will you face Him as a man of honour or as a disgrace of society?? Will you, when the time comes, act as a civil man or as a savage animal?? When the time comes, all these will not matter, for God sees us all as His creation... Every man is equal through His gentle and loving eyes... The very same eyes of a parent towards a child...and for when the time comes, all thoughts come to a standstill... The only thing that matters now is if you are willing to accept God, to walk along side His presence in heaven, to receive His love with open arms, to nurture and nourish the love of God as He had(and will) always cherished us, his children, for who we are, for who we were made to be... For who we were born to be...

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Just another day of the weekend... Lazing around for almost the whole day... went to a friend's place to laze around for the rest of the day and i just came back after a three hour or so visit... Watched chill factor today.... kind off an old one, not a bad one, but nothing great.... expected more from Cuba Gooding Jr.... pitiful actually.... coming from the man who acted in Men of Honour and Pearl Harbor and this??....haihz.... anyways....besides all this senseless activities... all goes as usual...life goes on...

Responsibilty... A word strong enough to crush a titan...if used wisely... As any person would or would not say, responsibilties are the essence of our everyday lives... Responsibilities come along with the very essence of freedom...The mere essence of life itself unfolds this word... Responsibilities are sewed into the very flesh and blood of our frail human bodies... Just like duties, responsibilities are the backbone of a civil community... The foundation of an elaborate building of society... The principal roots of humans, people...civilization... Humanity as we know it involves the evolution of responsibilities....
However, how many of us truely knows what this word is... We do know what it stands for and the technical definition of it... But do we truely know the depth of this word... Without responsibilities... we humans will not be (self-implied) calling ourselves "civil"... Without responsibilties... we humans will not even have the slightest idea of hopes and dreams... Responsibilities give us hope, life and dreams... Responsibilities make us who we are now... "Humans"

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Today was one of those long dreary days where you just ask yourself... When will the day end? haihz... Just another long, drab, drag, weary and boring day.... First period: Science, sub teacher, 2nd period: Math, exam... 3rd Period: CALM, a ridiculous class... a fool's errand, lost cause, wasted effort.... haihz....

Egoistic, egocentric, egotistic and egomaniacal..... All of which enfolds these three letters: Ego ; however, at the very same time, these words represent the grudging and voracious word: Selfishness... Children are warned by their parents at a young age that this greedy word is not a trait of honour or respect... most parents are careful to teach their children the depth of this word as their children bloom into adolescents... Adults try their best to set a good example for younger children to discard this rapacious word full of jealousy and stuck-up ignorance... And yet... yet... All children end up being self-centered at one point or another... Some more than others... If it is to betray a friend for the convenience of yourself, or to abandon your parents as they age silently... Despite everything, selfishness is all about "YOU"... and you only...

This goes unexplained but... when a stranger realizes a person is selfish... The blame immediately turns to the parents... "their parents must be selfish" or "they have bad parents" or the all so famous "they must have got that from their parents".... Despite the fact that the parents have busted the necks to educate their children, the blame remains hanging over their shoulders... Despite the fact that the parents are the most giving people within a 500mile radius, they are still to blame... Despite the fact that the parents are saints and try their best to prevent harm such as this word, Selfish, to prevail amongst their children, the fingers blatantly point towards them... Ignorant fingers of the malicious society... All of whom remain hypocrites, backsliders... hiding shamelessly behind the masks of the rotten society....

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Lesson to be Learnt

Just another common day passes by... As we all continue on with our lives aimless each day... And yet, we still prevail... Another exam tomorrow, Math... just done studying for it... Hope that it'll work out well... My eyes are heavy, I feel a little sleepy... So, I'll try my best to write my way through...

As I wondered through this weary day aimlessly, my mind was gushed with memories... Childhood memories... As I flashback to the times of my foolishness and mischief, I recall a short story I once(more than once) heard from my father... It goes something like this... bear with me for a while... I will get ot the point right after this story... "A young black boy was strolling in the park undirected... And as he looks up to the vast blue skies... He spots a balloon... A white balloon to be exact... This balloon came from the park... he moved towards this section and he sees a tall man in his early 30's selling balloons to children no more older than him... And every 5minutes, this man releases a balloon into the sky to attract the attention of children... This black boy was distressed by a question... the boy asks the balloon salesman... If you let a black balloon into the air, will it float too?... The man answer, Why, of course... the man lets a black balloon drift through the skies... Then he looks to the boy and tells him... The colour of the balloon does not matter, it is what's on the inside that makes the balloon float"... This story does not exactly end here(i think)...but thats as far as i go for now... well... the point is... This young black boy learns that the colour of the skin does not really make a man... In fact, it is only the inside, the soul of a person which forges a true man... it is the heart of a person initiates the mold of a man... it is the person inside which fabricates a man of honour, trust and worthy... This is the lesson to be learnt...

However, what has the world come to? What has this wretched world come to... to be able to brainwash a young innocent child into thinking that he is not worthy of himself? What has this sordid world become... to be able to manipulate a child into thinking that he does not deserve to live like the any other? Has this pitiful world degraded into a place of such absolute remorse, such affliction, such sorrow... To be able to diminish the confidence of a child based on his bare skin colour? Is he to peel his skin off in order to be accepted by the community? Is he to bleach his very body just to be aprroved by the society of ignorance? Is he not just as worthy and honourable as any other?Is he not a miracle of God?

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Value of Life

Past couple of days have been all about watching tv and listening to music just to do something... Just to past time... Something to do... Aside from renting movies and playing games... The only thing good bout weekend is the abscence of school... Actually, not the abscence of school... but the presence of sleep...Since I have been up to basically nothing, i'll try to redeem myself through my unstable thoughts and ferociuos words...

Well.... watching this movie "Weather Man"... got me really thinking about life again... It got me thinking about not only the meaning of life but life itself... Got me thinking about Where will life lead us to... Who are we in life and most of all.... The value of life... Destiny and fate is how some people answer the question where... I, for one, do not believe in feng shui or destiny or any of those mambo-jamboo.... It might be entertaining at moments of absolute disinterest... but thats as far as it goes.... the line is firmly drawn right there... these superstitions are, to me, no more than shere amusement.... God holds all our life in the palm of his hands... We are created by Him, we live by His rules and most of all, we live through Him... As for the question who we are in life... That is pretty simple through my eyes actually.... Life is an instrument... We use it the way we feel fit... No matter how many lesson you take, that instrument remains an instrument of mere will... You are who you want to be... Influencial factors such as God or parents, family or friends can only guide you, the rest is up to you... a man has got to do what a man's got to do...

However, when the pages turn to the value of life... It leaves a man wondering... In every man's life, there comes a question where no man is qualified to answer... What is the value of life... Life, to some people, might not mean much.... but to the rest of us, life is a chapter of dominance, an issue of superiority , a title by itself supreme, a topic worthy of time... Life can't be judged by a jury or by a supreme court... No man is worthy of answering this question... If a companion is dying of a certain heart disease, is it really our choice to transfer our hearts to the companion... If a remorseful teenager is pregnant, is it really her choice to conduct abortion... If a persons life is deranged with only tragedies and adversities, mishaps and hardships, calamities and afflictions, is it his/her choice to take away an item (if one may say) of such sacramental and unprofaned... Life... the mere thought of stealing life from its body is a defamation itself... It disgraces, devalues and diminishes the shere splendor and granduer of the word Life... It annihilates all thats left of one's virtues... one's dignity ... one's serenity...

A life without cause is a life without effect.
Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can.
Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Mind & Will Power

Well....It's been about 5 days now, still waiting for those darn results for my Math and Science exam... Haihz... Today wasn't typical as just any other day... After lunch, the whole school was scheduled to be in the gym... For a Hypnotist's Performance... His name, Marc Sevard, not bad of a hypnotist...i guess.... First time ever seeing a real hypnotist(not one of those scams)... The show wasn't bad... 13 students hypnotized, made them do all kinds of stuff... Kind of funny actually...

Which generally leads me to my current post... Today's post unfortunately is not going to be about Life's Ethics... A day of change... Although it might involve life...Mind & Will Power... As most of you who Haven't seen one of these shows before... The utter understanding of this term might not be apprehended... The depth and width of this term, most of the time, has not been able to be grasped mentally by many(even me)... This term... is actually quite simple... The strength of ones mind, brain and intellectual... However, the depth, the never-ending abyss of this term is often unappreciated... In short, the mind can be a very powerful thing if there is a will to unleash this boundless power...

This unconfined power can only be unveiled by the will of the sub-conscious mind, the inner self, the "inner mind" some might say... And through hypnotizing, this inner mind can be unmasked... Allowing the mind to be working full-scale on the sub-conscience mind... Giving way to the manifested will of the all powerful mind... Thus, the mind indulges in the magic of ones will... The will of an average mortal can be quite an influencial device but at the same time, such a vigorous and in some circumstances, dangerous weapon... With the cooperation of the mind and the will... The body can become a machine, a tank, a weapon(The Hulk)... Think no pain, Feel no Pain... The enchanted wonders of the Mind & Will Power...

Men are not prisoners of fate, but prisoners of their own minds. (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
There is deep wisdom within our very flesh, if we can only come to our senses and feel it. (Elizabeth A. Benhnke.)
Our bodies are our gardens - our wills are our gardeners. (William Shakespeare)

Monday, March 06, 2006

Reality and Imperfection

The Social exam was an absolute catastrophe... This exam was my worst achivement in Canada so far... In a way, I have failed myself... 66% just don't cut it... That is a passing mark... but barely passing is just inadequate... Well... I don't ever plan to fail and dissapoint myself anymore... (hope not)... Well, no use regretting now, might as well learn from my so called mistakes...Anyways, its getting late, so i'll try my best to make this post short and sweet...and i might even try to butter it up a lil... considering that I am about to sleep...

We as humans, are born, raised and bred by humans... When we were once children, we all had a distinct fantasy about each and everyone of our family being the perfect peolpe... A family, of perfection... Children think of their parents as the perfect couple, unbreakable, untouchable, unbendable...and don't be misled here, parents are great, at least they were for me... However, family, (including cousins, aunts, uncles, etc.) are like great statues or priceless paintings... From a distance, they look absolutely flawless... but as you slowly motion further, there are cracks among the statues and faulty lines among the paintings... Those works of art remains priceless and cherished... And just like these sculptures, family stays love and cared for, regardless but reality crashes in... the whole world is just not that perfect no more... Not as flawless no more.. No more the paradisiac dream land...

And this is all part of growth... A boy deteriorates along side the scarcities of reality...A man is made by his mistakes and deficiencies... No man is perfect... There is always "room" to improve, emend, to elevate... Events and meetings should not be a regret just because it didn't go as planned... Paintings and statues should not be ignored just because it is consists of fault...Just as, Life shouldn't be a dissapointment just because reality isn't a perfect world...

Couple of quotes:
No one is perfect... that's why pencils have erasers.
Nothing that is complete breathes.
A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault.
Gold cannot be pure, and people cannot be perfect.
The imperfections of a man, his frailties, his faults, are just as important as his virtues. You can't separate them. They're wedded.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Where Does It End?

Today, despite this is one of my first days watching tv all day long.... I do not regret it one bit... because today was a day of the lord of the rings marathon... Its official now... I have watched every single version of lord of the rings, including all the extended versions... Finally, the long journey, the quest of all lord of the rings has finally been accomplished, successfully of course... Well, there wasn't really "rest of the day"... After i woke up, lunch, then the LOTR marathon began... That was basically my day... I have been watching LOTR since 11am and till about 11pm... So yeah...

Money... Money, a very strong word and great item in the matter of fact...To some people, money only seems to be just a mere object, an element, an item to be used when needed... To the rest, money is a matter of life... The value of life is judged by the amount of money and prosperity inherent... Some people think of money(in the wrong way, I suppose) as a heading of life..The main paragraph of the never-ending journey of life...(you get the point)...

The main point of all this is... To what extent should money should be taken to? Should money be the priority of life? Should we put money ahead of everything else? How much should money be esteemed? Wasn't money once made as means to replace trade? Isn't money a form of trade itself? Isn't money just merely a system created to purchase items of necessity or sometimes pleasure? It is important, but how much... Isn't that a question we all should be asking ourselves?

My mind is "semi-paralyzed" or temporarily disabled... so please forgive my somewhat senseless english...Here's a few quotes to atone for my atrocious writings:
They who are of the opinion that Money will do everything, may very well be suspected to do everything for Money.(George Savile)
It is an unfortunate human failing that a full pocketbook often groans more loudly than an empty stomach. (Franklin Roosevelt)
The real measure of your wealth is how much you'd be worth if you lost all your money. (unknown)
There are people who have money, and then there are people who are rich. (Coco Chanel)
Life shouldn't be printed on dollar bills.(Clifford Odets)


Another day has passed, just like that, another day... Times waits for no man as they say... March has already come upon us... and I for one, do not realize the passing of this merciless time... An exam came and went just like that... Another one on the way... Social; Monday... How nice... Haihz... well, I guess that just means more studying later... 5 chapters of social to read through to complete 90 questions of an exam... "whoopieee-dooo" there goes my weekend... well, nothing much to my weekend anyways... might catch a movie or something like that...

Independence, salvation, release, sovereignty... All words best defined by a single word...and one word only; Freedom... To people of this modern world of oblivious crowd, freedom is a priviledge taken for granted...The careless and heedless people of this generation do not appreciate or even acknowledge(for the matter of fact) that freedom was once fought for... Freedom was once killed for... Freedom was once died for... And yet, people still do not realize the depth of this word freedom...

Freedom is a word defined as the condition of being free and unrestrained... However, to seize this condition, disputes, conflicts, wars and blood have been spilt over the freedom of a nation... Our very ancestors, great grandparents and grandparents were all victims of this wars and bloodsheds... However, grandchildren of this generation can't seem to extend to the depth of these disputes, these victims, these sacrifices... All for the sake of freedom... Freedom not only for them but for us... For their countrymen and the children and grandchildren... To be able to live freely without having to worry about the risks of being abused by those bloodthirsty Nazis or those sadistic Japs or those ruthless communists... Without having to worry about being shot at while walking on the streets... Without having to take pre-cautions every second of the day... Without being controlled by a foreigner... Being free...

Have they not sacrificed enough? Have they not fought enough? Have they not proved their freedom, our freedom to be worth the respect? At least Not to merely be taken for granted? Have they fought and died just for us to forget? Have we as free humans forgetten the sacrifice, the losts, the victims? Have we so blatantly forgotten History?

The patriot's blood is the seed of Freedom's tree.(Thomas Campbell)
Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. (Abraham Lincoln)
It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you.(Dick Cheney)
In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved.(Frankiln D. Roosevelt)
Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it. The history of liberty is a history of resistance.(Woodrow Wilson)

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Unforgettable Times

Fully aware of the work I was getting myself into, I remained decided about taking 3 core subjects in semester... I had a Math exam today, a Science exam tomorrow and a Social exam on Monday, how exciting "whoopiee-doo"...... And yet another week of school is about to pass... The earth remains rotating and the sun remains still.... Life Goes On...

As I was writing my essays on my religion assignment which is due on Monday, it got me really thinking back and reliving the unforgettable moments... The small instants where only you can remember...Those short times where only you might think its important... A moment treasured forever, by you and you only... For me, I have too many to be listed... Well, what can I say, I am a lucky man... Some people might think of being sick as a depressed interim... However, I try to make the best out of everything, be optimistic... I once had a high fever, nothing lethal, but I rested the whole day and night, and in the middle of the night, I wake up to see my dad standing right beside me, with his coarse hands over my "overheated" head, praying for me... Hoping ad praying that I would get better... When he finally saw my eyes open, he smiled at me(a smile of only a father) and softly told me to get some rest... This might not be much to most people but to me, it is...

And as I wrote that essay, I thought some more, and I vaguely remember this incident where I was sick, nauseated and unwell... I was vomitting nothing but water for about 1 hour or so... My body was becoming weak, frail and fragile, while my mom sat next to me in the clinic... And finally, I vomitted for the last time as I was about to faint... and as I was just about to pass out, my mom held me closely as only a mother could... That right there was instantaneously an unforgettable moment for me... and this post could go on for pages but I will have to stop right there...

Its times like these where a boy knows that he is greatly loved, cared and somewhat appreciated by his family... Its times like these that makes a boy feel the security of life, no matter the conditions (being sick, healthy, or even 3000 miles away) it doesn't really matter... Life is about memories and dreams... We relive the past just to prepare ourselves for the future...

A way to relive the good times, forget the bad and dream about the future.
Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.
Every man's memory is his private literature.
We do not remember days; we remember moments.
Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us.