Thursday, April 20, 2006

Love Thy Neighbor

Gone through quite a few days without publishing any posts now... and frankly, I really miss it... Being busy cannot stand as an excuse for me not to blog as I wasnt even busy... however, i have been doing a little thinking lately.... about life and God, our creator... So for those who are easily offended by religious posts... please excuse me and ignore this blog if you want to... I hope I do not get too much into religion...

I have been reading this christian surprising or unreal as it may seem, it is true... This novel has actually got me thinking once again... thinking of issues which concern me and all of man-kind in fact... It is stated in the bible that "you shall love thy neighbor as yourself"(second greatest commandment) ... this phrase has probably surpassed the ears of many of us commoners before... but.... but how many of us actually register this statement of truth in our corrupt minds?? how many of us actually apply this phrase in our daily lives of senseless pollution?? how many of us actually... and i mean truly grasp the depth of this statement... It is stated as the second greatest commandment for a pure and simple reason actually...

And this reason remains simple even till this very day... despite the arisings of complications... This statement attains its rank from its caliber... the importance of this statement explains it all...I for one, believe the very words of this phrase is actually the answer to the ultimate question... How do we attain worldpeace??? With the adoption of this statement in our everyday lives, peace will not have to be an issue of distress and tension... This statement explains that love everyone as you may love yourself... So, unless you are a one of those berserk suicide bomber crackhead fanatic, this shouldn't be much of a dilemma... This ultimately means... love everyone, despite their acts, despite their words, despite their thoughts... Those who forgive are those who are loved... Learn from your mistakes and those of others... Jesus sacrificed himself for the very same people who discriminated Him... the very same people who accused Him of blasphemy... Despite all that, can't we act as people of virtue and respect?? Can't we repay Him in this small little way?? can't we ultimately decide on ending this society of the moronic catastrophe and this demented age of enmity and hostilities???

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