Saturday, February 03, 2007


People in this civilization, this current generation, the generation "Y"(i think)... the citizensof this society are no longer the clons of the past generations, the historical civilizations.. in fact, the society of today have vastly deteriorated beyond the lengths of the kings and queens of the, lets say, French Revolution... Not just the flashy, razzle-dazzle technology... but the mentality of people, the emotional stages of every distinct individual... People have changed and change is an inevitability...change is progress or change could also be regression(a step behind)... Unfortunately for us humans, the change in(the majority of) people have taken a sudden"U-turn" back... The technology which are created by these people are more advanced than anything we have ever seen before... but as I try to point out over and over again, it's not about materials... People as a whole and as an individual have to grow, gain, progress toward to betterment of humanity...

But it seems that stupidity and ignorance have consumed us... Arrogance, insensitivity, rapaciousness, greed, corruptness, delinquance, vicious malevolent characteristics have gradually yet, effectively crawled out of the sinful hearts of man... Just as a parasites suck the life out of its prey... These so called characteristics, too, have ripped through the feeble hearts of man, only to fester in the minds and souls...Lingering, waiting, craving for stupidity and ignorance to liberate the mind of all innocence and intelligence... and yet, people remain abiding to their very imbecillic and idiotic ways... People sit and stare at themselves, realizing there's a stupendous problem which cannot be cured by the wits of time... and yet, refusing, no... defying the very essence of the problem, themselves, ourselves...
How do I define stupidity and ignorance? Well... why bother, just look around us; the media, the people speak louder than words...

We have guided missiles and misguided men (Martin Luther King Jr.)

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