Thursday, February 15, 2007

Anti Social

I've given this quite a bit of thought... of why my family for the most part are antisocial... our antisocialness has always been such a mystery to me... I've been trying to figure this out for a year or so now... and FINALLY!!... it hit me... We are antisocial and there's no downside to it... Us, family prefer to keep our lives as family business... Only when someone has earned the trust of family and only then can we let out our life secrets... Why u ask..

Why? well...i've been wondering all this time too... aside from the obvious trust related fact, there's more to it... I feel anyways... So here goes... The ultimate answer I have been searching for... It is because of... people... yes people... friends, relatives, strangers... Nobody listens these days... People do not listen to advice, concerns or just conversations... people are too eager to talk and chat and begin a conversation instead of having a conversation... And I don't mean a conversation as in a long, dull senseless crap which people seem to exceedingly indulge in... I mean conversations about life... about where we're headed to... about "life's ethics" basically... i was raised to do more than just talk... I was raised to think... think of such things... the unnoticed dilemmas of life... The things that people, as a whole, do not normally think about... The truth which lies beyond the perception of mankind... Thats what I was raised to do... think... and yet, this thinking of such, which I now realize, is not part of the majority of lives... people don't bother to think... and talking about life could sometimes, not bore, but go beyond the capability of most... I believe that many people refuse to comprehend the truth or life's meaning, life's purpose, life's ethics...

My family and I ,on the other hand, chose to embrace this meaning and purpose... We chose to pursue this meaning to life... I choose to do so, only because I think that only through finding and achieving our purpose in life, can we enjoy life's wonders... Only through this can we achieve the inner peace which I've heard so much of and yet, failed to see a success... We strive for this inner peace... and I think lots of people do but never seem to grasp their own lives within this concept.. and I feel that life has a meaning and a purpose which is beyond just me and you... and I I have begun the pursuit of this meaning... As I said, my destination is satisfaction and I will not accept any less... more is always an option... But along the way, I shall enjoy this journey of clustered emotions and mysteries...

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