Monday, April 09, 2007

Home Sweet Home (Part 5)

Time begins to close in on him as his perpetual journey comes to a silent end. William finally reaches his destination, his very own origin that is. He takes a life-changing step out of the brilliant yellow cab. Standing right outside his very own bi-levelled house, his origin, his destination, in awe of it's architectual ingenious which was once just a part of the past of mediocracy. Gazing at this house as if it were never his, as if the house itself was of the utmost importance. "Home sweet home" he thought. He takes a solemn, deep yet satisfying breath and paces toward the doorsteps of the house, somewhat obvious of anticipation. He lays his backpack on the green lush doormat, expecting to embrace his beloved. He knocks on his very own door for the first time in years, listening attentively to any sort of movement in the house, anything to indicate her presence. He hears a tweek in his house, recognizing it to be from the stairwell. He was overwhelmed with emotions of such bliss, it could be imaginary. The door is opened, his call was answered.

There was a pause for a moment, it didnt seem to be an awkward pause but a pause which had to be, only to recall her beauty and ellegance, not just through a mere hand-held picture but through full-fledged, full-blown flesh and blood. The awkward only came through her momentary unwilling hesitation to embrace him as her lover. Her distinct one-of-a-kind beauty compensated for small details. He shrugged the thoughts of her hesitation as his mere imagination, embracing her only as he was supposed to. She was in tears, not weeps or sobs, but tears of joy and relief; relieved that William was finally back in her grasp and overjoyed that she is back in his. They talked...for a while, exhanging experiences and thoughts as time passed by.

The night was young but William wasn't. He was exhausted. She was somewhat relieved not only that he had fallen fast asleep in her arms but also because she couldn't bare the thought of any physical intimacy now. She couldn't bare the thought of anything too intimate only... only because after all those nights, all those promiscuous nights, all the deceit was still well acquainted with her. She condones her deceit for now, just for tonight with the security of William's presence. She silently, yet reluctantly dozes off into the night as she lie arm in arm with William, her one true love...

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