Monday, February 21, 2011

Picture This

The sun sets with a bright purple fade in the endless open sky. The moon starts to show signs of awakening as it glows a dim light. Listen to the birds as they escape into the darkness. Their wings flapping furiously to get back to a place they call home. Their voices fill the sky with a beautiful melody. The air comes to a thin cold; just a little colder than it was just minutes ago. The hairs on your skin stand tall to prepare for war against the wind, even though they know victory is not within sight. Watch closely as the leaves playfully fall from the trees; like a little child running in circles, forever unsure of when its about to hit the ground, only sure that it will. The moon lights up like a strong white flame in the night. The sea of stars start to come out of hiding, now that it is time for them to shine. It is that time of the night again, where hidden animals begin to make unmistakable music. The invisible frog plays the bass to the voice of stray cats mothering their high pitched kittens. Thats when the rhythm of barking dogs step in the symphony. And then there's the weird screech of an insect, which from the sounds of it, has to be of the cricket family; it's call is made up of short but loud intermissions, almost like an out-of-tune violin. By this time, darkness has consumed all things far and wide, with the moon as its only nemesis. But somehow, even with bare minimal sight of all things, it still remains a masterpiece. This picture... the Picture of Life, that is.

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