Friday, January 27, 2006


Yesterday, I finally took my second and last final exam... I might have screwed up that long dull 87 question paper... On the second hand, I hope not... For the past week, besides a couple of finals,it has been a freakin drag... Every day and night just sitting and waiting for some mere entertainment or enjoyment to overcome my tedious bore dome... but anyhow life goes on...

As for writing today's post, I was in a daze for a moment or two thinking about what to write about today... and as I sat blurly, a thought rushed through my head... I began to daydream about friendship... the reasons of friendships and, unfortunately, the reasons of friendships "gone bad"... First of all, friendship is (in the dictionary) defined as the quality or condition of being friends... Or as we common people understand it as friends relationship... friends can be brought together by various reasons... For one, a common enemy; just as they have always said... " An enemy's enemy is a friend "... Some friendships however, can be made from pure affectionate companionship to amiability and even to familiarity...

Friendships "gone bad" on the other hand, are made up of a thousand and one reasons... starting with, the most common enemy of friendship, an opposing interest... or even worse, several opposing interests... however, this does not apply to all friendships... some friends are imune to the interests of one another... For most of the modern generation's younger teens... a common interest...yes, thats right... a common interest... to be more specific, for those of you who are in a fuddle, a common lover... Apparently, nowadays, the worst situation most teens can go through is where they have a "crush" on the same person as their best friend... Not only does that bring friends apart, it could cause conflicts, wars or could even cause a freaking bloodshed if handled badly... Finally, the most passive way of separating friends... gradual decay... Being a student out of my hometown, gradual decay is something I hoped that wouldn't happen...but unfortunately, it does... yes, it does... a long absence of a companion could sometimes (not always) cause the friend to be somewhat replaced by another... Sad, but true...
It is human nature to experience this Uncertainty Of Friendship...

1 comment:

alex said...

Surely but sadly, this is inspired by a true story... well, at least part of it...