Sunday, January 29, 2006


Today wasn't as boring as the past week... Cleaning the house occupied my vacant time... Now this is what you call a clean least compared to before... Well... after seeing the sad incidents of the world... It inspired me to write about OBLIGATIONS...

What is obligation? It is (according to a dictionary) "The act of binding oneself by a social, legal, or moral tie" or as we know it... a sense of duty... As human beings, young or old, obligations apply to all of us... It's up to us to fulfill those duties by any means logical...

As a student, my obligations are shouted out loud and clear; study smart and get good grades... those are, in fact, the basic duties of a student... As a son, brother, cousin, grandchild and so on... my obligations are to love and respect my family as they would me... As a true friend, my obligations are to assist, help and care for my friends when they most need it... My duties as a friend are mostly to laugh together, fight together and offer a shoulder for a friend to cry on...when needed...We all know those of the basic obligations... However, do we... do we TRULY understand the depth of ones obligations as a human being, as a creation and miracle of God, as a part of this world??? Now thats the question we should be asking ourselves...

Are we not, as human beings, responsible for the well-being of our mother earth? If not, who is? If not, do we truly deserve to live at all? Are we not, as human beings, responsible for the well-being of others? If not, are we not savages? If not, shouldn't we be known as rapacious uncivilized barbarians instead of humans? Are we not all born to be equal, despite color or race? If not, who has the right to be reigned the king of people? God is our one and only true King... and, as humans, our obligation to God is to love, respect and to worship God, but mostly to appreciate His creations of where we live in, on, and around... and by doing so, thus, devoting and maybe even dedicating ourselves to protecting His miraculous creations of nature and even HUMANS... all humans, not just the rich ones, or the so called "normal" ones....but the poor, ill, sick, dying ones too....despite all odds...

1 comment:

Mike said...

life has only one ethic's to join His only true church and repent for the original sin.
God 1
sinners 0