Monday, January 30, 2006

Racism Still Reigns

Today was kind of a sleeping in day... I was struck by the feeling when u get when school's about to start... Depression is too strong a word but relief is certainly not an understatement too... After a pleasant holiday, one more day to go start my routine all over again... Well I guess the holidays were fun while it lasted... And as always, life goes on..i guess...

Today for the very first time, after watchin this Great movie "CRASH", I was inspired to talk about racism and prejudice... To start off, here's a catch phrase which most people are familiar to... "Don't judge a book by a cover"... Being that I am of mixed race(chinese& indian), proudly said... I guess it would be fair for me to say that I am fully aware of racism in this so called civilized world... Even though racism isn't as harsh as it was 5 decades ago, nevertheless, it still exists...clearly and blatantly too(if I may say)... Most people think racism is a story of the past...whereas, they who say that are dead WRONG...

Most people of the modernized countries, suggests countries such as Malaysia do not consist of the word racism... True, Malaysia might be a peaceful country...well for the most part... However, racism is not just about wars or bloodfests... When someone walks up to a Chinese guy and says "Hey, you're Chinese, how do you do this Math question?" ... Is that not racism? Is that not stereotypical judgement according to mere race? What about when an Indian guy riding a fancy motorcycle is automatically thought to be a gang member or some sought... Isn't that a self-evident fact of racism?

A black man walking down the street dressed as, what some people think as a thug, is immediately discriminated by other races? Some people might say thats because they look like a thug... but if it were a popular rockstar of some sought dressed the same way, the clothes would instantaneously evolve to a new trend amongst teeenagers... Aren't all these self-explanatory acts of insignificant racism and prejudice against race?

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