Thursday, February 02, 2006


February 2nd, how fast time has past since I have been placed upon this vast lands of Canada... first semester has ended in a blink... and now, today, this very day, my report card was distributed... Fortunately, I didn't do too bad... except for my English with a 77 overall mark... Well, no use regretting it now... I tried my hardest and thats what I got...

As I was reading through some articles regarding the political issues of Malaysia, corruption comes to my thoughts...once again... Corruption... known to most of us as crookedness... Most of us are not bothered by this crookedness... That is in fact because most of us do not realize that this exploitation...this fraudulency affects us all... Corruption has built such a reputation that it is no longer surprising to mention or detect this wretched word... this corruption...

It used to be where corruption only happens amongs politicians and legislators... However, these damned fools fooled us all... They have slowly and fragmentarily dragged every single innocent citizen down the drain along with their senseless trash... Those green-eyed, avaracious, penny-pinching pricks have not only corrupted our cops and policemen but our educators and professors too... Somehow, they have "made" it right for the muslims to gain extra interest in terms or education and financially... And despite everythin, those muslims are taking their life for granted... not all of them though...

Why should muslims receive better conditions in financial matters? Are they poorer? Does it not seem unfair to the rest? Should the only students receive legitamate scholarships and loans be muslims? Why must corruption go on and on like this? Why must the children of Malaysia experience this harsh yet ridiculous fact? Is this how we want to raise our children, our country of a multiracial community? Isn't Malaysia supposed to be known for their so called "great" equality or peace?

Is this how the children of Malaysia should remember their dreadful and abomidable past?

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