Saturday, February 04, 2006


Today... Being that it is a Saturday, my day only started approximately after one... And as usual....I have been just lazing around for the past couple hours(since I woke up)... Going to watch Annapolis after this... the movie looks great...

As I sat and thought about revolution... I finally realized... It has become a part of us in this ever influential generation... Think about it... We are entering a whole new era now... From writing to typing... From talking to chatting online... From walking to driving... From bumping into each other to crashing into each other... From just basic pen and paper to scientific calculators and notepads... From classes to (for some people) videos... From radio casts to podcasts... From computers to laptops... The world as we know it is irresolute... This world... this community of ours is going through a major phase of alteration as we speak and the bloodcurdling part is that most of us do not realize this so called "cultivating" alteration...Even dogs are substituted with machinery (robot dogs)...

Yes...Many might say this is a major breakthrough... It has been what we have been waiting for all our lives... Many of us say this is what life is about; technology, revolution, or even progression... But is it really??? Is it really such an aticipated buildup? Is this really what life is about? This revolution...this innovation does make life easier for us and our children... but does it not, at the same time, strike us with agony and distress? From swords to guns... doesn't it simply make killing an easier task? From atom bombs to nuclear bombs? Does it not elucidate the act of demolition? Does it not make it easier to wipe out a whole country? For us animal lovers, what will happen to our pets when dogs and cats are no longer needed? When our pooches and kitties are compensated with machineries? Who would those loving animals turn to then?

Sooner or later... we humans will realize our mistakes... and our sons and daughters will pay dearly for our foolish mistakes...
this revolution of ours............

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