Wednesday, February 15, 2006


The winter is back to where it should be; Alberta... Nothing great about that... its -27 now and sadly, its going to be -25 whole day long tomorrow.. and for those who are not familiar with this, by this time, it should be at least -30... but I guess I got it easy... And with the wind chill, tomorrow is turning out to be around -30 to -38....haihz... Well, the nice weather was fun while it lasted... and besides, I am spoilt long enough with this B-E-AUtiful winter(so called)...

Learning about World War 2 today... It got me thinking about lots of stuff.... and this thinking has mainly brought me to... MEMORIES... Memories are to some of us, treasures of our absolute past... vague reminders of who we are and where we come from...Our origin, our source, the dawning of our very birth... To others however, memories are perceived as old lifelong a reminder of their grim, dreadful ancient history... A dream gone bad... and now, this dream, this nightmare, haunts the very living soul as a a nightmare... as a memory...

For some of us, these revered memories are often revived and most definitely cherished... Its just like a sweet, pleasant dream which we hope we never have to leave.... to be able to endear our past with such high esteem... Nevertheless, if it weren't for the pain, joy wouldn't feel so good... To others, memories of such joy and happiness are not existent... Memories only revive agony and suffering... These brutal and cruel reminders are often abondoned, lapsed, disremembered some might say... but despite the effort, memories remain memories... It is like a nightmare to some, a reminder to the failures of the mere feeble mortals... It is no figment of imagination (althought some people would like to think so)...“Life gives us brief moments with another...but sometimes in those brief moments we get memories that last a life time..."
It is a persons choice to commemorate it or dwell upon it...

Memories are the treasures that we keep locked deep within the storehouse of our souls, to keep our hearts warm when we are lonely.
The best things in life come in threes, like friends, dreams, and memories.
We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they're called memories. Some take us forward, they're called dreams.

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