Sunday, February 26, 2006


Today... First day of actually geting back on track... Hope this is not my last... anyhow, today was just another casual weekend leisure... Mostly about relaxing and barely finishing up homework and studies...

Well... For the past 15 (going on 16) years of my life, this word...this honesty has consumed my memories... I, for one, have been engrossed with this word....word of truth. faith, fedility...a word of true honor... As a civilized boy, thriving to be a man of wisdom, honesty was, is and hopefully will remain one of my virtues... Honesty... This word, this term, lives in all of us... No matter the people who persistently proclaims honesty to be an obsolete tool in this modern world...

Honesty is no tool... It is a necessity... It is essential, vital, fundamental or even crutial, some might say, for the sake of humanity... To some, honesty is anachronistic, bygone, dated... The corruption of this sometimes inhumane world has not only caused wars and bloodshed but the true meaning of honesty... honesty has been gravely overshadowed by lies and deceit... Honesty is no longer an admirable virtue to some... Honesty has lost its path amongst us...(some of us) We have abandoned this word, we have deserted the true vitality of this word... We have forsaken it from within us... We have lost the touch to bring it back... subcounsciously or blatantly... Now, this word is barely whispered amongst ears... It is whispered as if the word itself is too frail and fragile to merely be mentioned.. As if this word is at a brink of extinction... As if it is being US...

Some quotes:
Honest men fear neither the light nor the dark. (Thomas Fuller)
No man has a good enough memory to make a successful liar. (Abraham Lincoln)
A half truth is a whole lie. (Yiddish Proverb)
Make yourself an honest man, and then you may be sure there is one less rascal in the world. (Thomas Carlyle)
A lie has speed, but truth has endurance. (Edgar J. Mohn)
Honesty is never seen sitting astride the fence. (unknown)

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