Friday, February 10, 2006

My Life

As I sat in a daze today(as usual), I suddenly realized something that came as a kind of shock to me... I used to be a guy with many friends... I used to be a little too friendly sometimes(in my opinion)... I used to love being around people and some people used to love being around me... However, being that I am in Canada now...away from Home Sweet Home... I have changed my attitude... and so have my lifestyle...

Life used to be all about friends, family and soccer when I was back home... However, I now realize that life is no more alike... for the most part... I used to hang around with a large group of friends and sometimes even would have fun... Now, however, I have lost interest to endure in this groups of people... I can't bear with crowds anymore... Maybe this is a part of growth, or maybe I've just been like this all the while... just took me some time to figure out my true self... I don't know... but what I do know is that Life is full of Amendments...Improvements or deteriorations... For better or worse...Life is amending...

My life used to evolve around people(friends)... Friends are still an undeniability... They still play a vital part in my least a couple of them... Now, I have realized...and I have to accept the crutial fact... that I am not as close as I used to be to my friends back home(and vice versa)... Gradual decay is the name... Understanding the proven fact that people change and meet new people... I don't blame anyone for this devious gradual decay...

Well.... As they say...
"Life Goes On"
"Life is Full of Amendments"
And besides.. We're all on a fast track to death anyways (irrelevant)...

1 comment:

alex said...

I apologize for the brutal English that was used in this... And btw, this is my life... And I love it...